DAY 21
MARCH 2, 2025

Psalm of Thanksgiving

Psalm Writing Challenge

Perhaps one of the deepest ways we can interact with God, is to enter the creative space of writing out a simple Psalm! Yes, today there is a challenge! This week, your challenge is to write out a Psalm of Thanksgiving. Before we do that though, let’s look into what these are.

Thanksgiving Psalms have five key elements:

1. Statement of or invitation to praise including the intention to thank God.

2. Account of the Psalter’s experience. This usually includes a narration in which a recount of the following events occurs:

  • their trouble
  • their calling upon God
  • their deliverance

3. Confession of faith in God acknowledging Him as Savior.

4. Reference to a thank offering or payment of a vow.

5. Conclusion, with a confession to Yahweh and a renewed call to praise.

Thanksgiving Psalms are declarative in nature and are either individual or corporate. Check out Psalms 18; 30; 32; 67; 124; or 129 to get an idea of how these flow. Because afterward you are going to write your own!


Respond to the following in your journal:
  • Invite the Holy Spirit into your heart and ask Him to give you words and remembrances to paint a Psalm yourself following these prompts: Element of Praise | Element of Praise | Element of Confession | Element of Gratitude | Element of Praise
  • In your home groups, be prepared to share these if you’re comfortable. Take time as a group to sit quietly and allow these Psalms of Thanksgiving to be lifted up. I encourage you to sit in the words that your fellow group members have poured out and meditate on the many ways that each person will have chosen to say thank you to God.


Bruno and Amy Koumedjra: Shining in Togo in Togo, Africa